We're here to help you grow!
Our programs are centered around personal development and involves mental, physical, social, emotional, and spiritual growth that allows a person to live a productive and satisfying life.
We will offer select outreach events to engage our community and support those in our area who may be in need of services and resources. Look for us in Back-2-School, Elder Care, Hair Cuts & Food for the community.
Sound biblical teaching to help you grow and develop in your Christian walk. We will offer Face-2-Face training and Virtual Webinars.
Empowering you to live your best life in Christ. We walk along side you to help you set and reach your goals.
Group Coaching
Group coaching is a two- to three-month commitment that allows you to reap immense value from a structured program and benefit from the support and accountability of others whom you can relate to and share this personal journey
An effective mentor pushes adult learners out of their comfort zones to foster growth and development. To accomplish this, a mentor needs to create trusting relationships with their students through open communication, accountability, and competency
We are here to help counsel and advise individuals and groups to promote optimum mental and emotional health, with an emphasis on prevention